Friday, August 12, 2005


The Other Side of Why

When things go wrong we often ask, Why did this happen to ME?

We question Divine providence and wonder Where is God?

I hear and read over and over one side of Why?

There is another side of Why?

We dont hear people asking Why when things go right.

When we have a roof over our heads and arent being evicted,

when we find something at a cheap instead of a high price,

when our children arent going haywire and on drugs,

when the bread falls buttered side up,

when our parents are still alive,

when the car isnt breaking down,

when we stumble but dont fall,

when our bodies arent aching,

when we do avoid the accident,

when we have a good spouse,

when our bellies are full,

when it is a pretty day,

when we arent at war,

when we do have a job,

when it does go right.

Perhaps you should ask the other side of Why?

-got this from a site-

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